Top Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Work-Life Balance

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Top Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Work-Life Balance

No matter who you are, maintaining a good work-life balance is the key to being successful. Whether you work in sales or are a Fortune 500 CEO, it’s difficult to do good work if you do not have a good balance. Maintaining a good life balance helps you to relieve stress and focus on what needs your attention, but how do we maintain that balance? In all of my years of executive coaching, here are four things I have discovered that help you to maintain the balance you need to do good work.

Know Your Limits

Every single person has limits, and everyone has different limits than the person next to them. The first step in achieving a good work-life balance is understanding exactly when work or home life start to impact each other, or when one becomes too much. In many cases, work-life can become detrimental to home life. Understanding when work becomes too much for you is the best first step to balancing your life.

Man using computer on a deskAsk the Right Questions

We all have questions because we don’t know everything. Spending time asking the right questions can help us determine the health of our work-life balance. Here are a few questions you should be asking yourself when it comes to work-life balance:

  • What’s on my mind when I fall asleep at night?
  • How is my physical health?
  • How often do I get home late at night?

These are a few diagnostic questions to ask yourself to help determine the state of your work-life balance. If you and your employees are having trouble maintaining a good balance, reach out to me today for leadership coaching!

Practice Every Day Wins

It’s the little things that matter in life. Practicing the little wins that you experience every day can help you to experience satisfaction both in and outside of the workplace. Hobbies, chores, and being with your family give you an opportunity to practice these little wins that matter in life.

Prioritize Your Work

Work can give you a never-ending stream of tasks and responsibilities. If you are pursuing a better work-life balance, lay out your schedule and determine what is most important, and what is not quite as important. This prevents you from attempting to take care of everything at once and helps you to take care of one thing at a time, freeing you up to spend more quality time outside of the workplace.

In my leadership and executive coaching, work-life balance is one of the most common topics people ask questions about. If you or your team is looking for help with balance, message me today and schedule your complimentary coaching session today!

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